A fun, easy way to unlock your amazing mind

What if we switched our starting point with most human development programs.

Rather than think in a deficit way (e.g. I am not creative) let’s switch.

What if the starting point is that you already have a skill, ability or capability and the challenge is that you cannot access it.

Wouldn’t that be interesting?

In this case lets assume that you have an amazing mind.

The challenge is to access it – on demand!

And that you could unlock your amazing mind in a fun and easy way!


Now we are talking.

This switching of your starting point has several profound implications:

  • Empowerment: It emphasizes the inherent potential within each individual, fostering a sense of self-belief and empowerment.
  • Focus on Discovery: It shifts the focus from “building” something new to “uncovering” something already present.
  • Positive Psychology: It aligns with the principles of positive psychology, which emphasizes strengths, virtues, and the inherent goodness of human beings.

These are the potential benefits of Switch Thinking.

It’s a way to open and use your amazing mind wherever and whenever you need it.

Lets explore this idea.

In my Switch Thinking structure there are two modes.

I call these Box Mode and Ball Mode.

Box Mode as the metaphor suggests is a mode which is structured, stable, well established and has worked in the past.

It’s efficient but limiting.

And it’s the mode that often becomes the habitual, default mode of thinking.

In the latest brain research it correlates with the Central Executive Network (CEN), which is used for planning, problem solving, working memory, focused attention and decision making.

And in a fast, results driven world many people believe that using what i call Box Mode (or their CEN) is the only way to think.

This means they can often be productive but may not be amazing.

However Box Mode is not the only mode of thinking.

There is another which I call Ball Mode.

In the brain research this is called The Default Mode Network (DMN).

It’s often the source of creativity, intuition and introspection.

It’s where we connect with our inner selves, generate novel ideas, and experience deep emotions.

The good news is that we all have a DMN.

It’s part of our brain’s architecture.

it’s just waiting to be utilised.

But we need to switch it on.

Here is where Switch Thinking excels.

Switch Thinking as a Gateway to the DMN: Switch Thinking provides the tools and techniques to access and leverage the power of the DMN.

By encouraging “Ball Mode” thinking and minimizing distractions, Switch Thinking helps individuals tap into the creative potential of the DMN.

For example;

What is a customer perspective (Box Mode)?

This might be useful to remind you of the customer’s needs, wants and expectations.

This is very important.

But what if we Switch our perspective?

What is a clown perspective (Ball Mode)?

This might lead to a new ideas for a product, service or experience based on fun, colour, movement or mystery.

Now you can switch back to Box Mode to connect with any usual ideas and then evaluate and perhaps design a testing strategy.

The creativity, playfulness and imagination of the DMN and the constant iterations with your CEN is your key to accessing your Amazing Mind.

The “Switch” as the Key: The ability to seamlessly switch between these two modes is crucial.

It allows individuals to tap into the strengths of both the rational and intuitive mind.

This perspective highlights the importance of cultivating a balanced and integrated approach to thinking.

By mastering the art of switching between “Box Mode” and “Ball Mode,” you can unlock your full creative potential and achieve extraordinary things.

So the idea that everyone has a potentially amazing mind is not such a far fetched idea.

Here is a personal example of accessing something that was available all the time.

For many years I played social soccer.

I was a natural right-footed player.

A few years ago i hurt my right foot and kept playing but only used my left foot.

Within a short time I was equally adept at kicking with either foot.

This made be a far better player.

It was interesting that my left foot was available to use all the time.

I had simply not used it.

The left foot in this analogy is your DMN.

Switch Thinking can be used to access your imaginative possibilities and ground these in your capabilities, budget or priorities for example.

Switching to your DMN and back again is a skill that can be easily mastered.

It can help you unlock your full potential.

Now, wouldn’t this be amazing?

Check out the 6 Switches Canvas. It’s simple, practical and free.