Books by Dr Ken Hudson
Books to help you create, solve and innovate
I have written 3 internationally published books (Allen & Unwin) that have been published in 9 countries.

The Idea Generator: Tools for Business Growth
(ALLEN & UNWIN, 2007)
A short book of tools to help you and your team to create new ideas. This is a handy, practical book containing 60 ideation tools to help you:
- Generate big, new ideas;
- Create new growth opportunities;
- Improve you performance and your team;
- Sell with more impact and
- Deliver breakthrough leadership results.

The Idea Accelerator: How to Solve Problems Faster Using Speed Thinking
(ALLEN & UNWIN, 2008)
This is a companion book to The Idea Generator and is written in a similar accessible style.
The emphasis is on simple, effective creativity tools that you and a group or team can use quickly to solve problems or generate ideas in more creative ways.

Speed Thinking: How to thrive in a time-poor world:
(ALLEN & UNWIN, 2010)
This book introduces readers to the theory and application of Speed Thinking. It outlines an amazing new approach that anyone can use to generate new ideas and solutions – in minutes!
The Speed Thinking book covers the:
- Insight behind speed thinking
- Magical 9: 2 starting formula
- Speed Thinking 4-step approach and
- How to use Speed Thinking to brainstorm ideas, solve problems and fast-track your success.
- Ideas Blitz is the tool of Speed Thinking
- Soon to be published in China
“I used to like Edward de Bono tips for generating new ideas, however your 6 Switches framework is more accessible, structured and achievable.”
Alexis Haywood, Principal Consultant
Dr Ken writes to help you think differently
Posts to stretch, switch and inspire new ideas & opportunities.
Why switch your thinking?
Let's start with the basics. The idea of switching is not a new idea. Consider these examples: You can switch from attack to defence on the sporting field. You could switch jobs or careers. Or switch places and roles. You can switch the conversation at a dinner party....
A fun, easy way to unlock your amazing mind
Rather than starting with what you don’t have, a new approach is to start with a new assumption. What if we all had an Amazing Mind? The key is to find a way to unlock this capability whenever and wherever you need it.
Why is change so scary?
I was thinking about making some changes in the New Year (as you do) and I wondered why is change for most people so scary. Perhaps it was me I thought. So I asked ChatGPT to rank the 10 most scariest words in the english language. Here is it's response: 1. Death 2....