Switch Thinking Blog

Posts to help you switch your thinking

Create amazing, new ideas, opportunities & experiences.

Why switch your thinking?

Why switch your thinking?

I am a great fan of Simon Sinek's idea of Start with Why? His core idea is that for too long business leaders and brand managers have started with the what and how and ignored the why. Sinek's proposition is...

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6 ways to Switch your Thinking

6 ways to Switch your Thinking

Have you ever been stuck and then someone suggests a new way at looking at a problem or issue and wham! You suddenly see the situation differently. And by doing so often new ideas, options, solutions...

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How to switch on your creativity

How to switch on your creativity

Imagine being able to switch on your creativity exactly when you needed it. It could be in an interview or presentation when you are asked a tricky question. Or it could be when your group or team is stuck...

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How to think outside the box

How to think outside the box

You often hear the expression think outside the box. This is a useful metaphor but it does not suggest how to do think in a different, more creative way. It is for this reason that I have developed what I...

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