Books by Dr Ken Hudson

Books to help you create, solve and innovate

I have written 3 internationally published books (Allen & Unwin) that have been published in 9 countries.

The Idea Generator: Tools for Business Growth

The Idea Generator: Tools for Business Growth

(ALLEN & UNWIN, 2007)

A short book of tools to help you and your team to create new ideas. This is a handy, practical book containing 60 ideation tools to help you:

  • Generate big, new ideas;
  • Create new growth opportunities;
  • Improve you performance and your team;
  • Sell with more impact and
  • Deliver breakthrough leadership results.

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The Idea Accelerator: How to Solve Problems Faster Using Speed Thinking

The Idea Accelerator: How to Solve Problems Faster Using Speed Thinking

(ALLEN & UNWIN, 2008)

This is a companion book to The Idea Generator and is written in a similar accessible style.

The emphasis is on simple, effective creativity tools that you and a group or team can use quickly to solve problems or generate ideas in more creative ways.

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Speed Thinking: How to thrive in a time-poor world:

Speed Thinking: How to thrive in a time-poor world:

(ALLEN & UNWIN, 2010)

This book introduces readers to the theory and application of Speed Thinking. It outlines an amazing new approach that anyone can use to generate new ideas and solutions – in minutes!

The Speed Thinking book covers the:

  • Insight behind speed thinking
  • Magical 9: 2 starting formula
  • Speed Thinking 4-step approach and
  • How to use Speed Thinking to brainstorm ideas, solve problems and fast-track your success.
  • Ideas Blitz is the tool of Speed Thinking
  • Soon to be published in China

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“I used to like Edward de Bono tips for generating new ideas, however your 6 Switches framework is more accessible, structured and achievable.”

Alexis Haywood, Principal Consultant

Dr Ken writes to help you think differently

Posts to stretch, switch and inspire new ideas & opportunities.

Why switch your thinking?

Why switch your thinking?

I am a great fan of Simon Sinek's idea of Start with Why? His core idea is that for too long business leaders and brand managers have started with the what and how and ignored the why. Sinek's proposition is that leaders should start with Why first. Starting with why...

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6 ways to Switch your Thinking

6 ways to Switch your Thinking

Have you ever been stuck and then someone suggests a new way at looking at a problem or issue and wham! You suddenly see the situation differently. And by doing so often new ideas, options, solutions magically emerge. These are often random events such as a chance...

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Why it’s so hard to think outside the box

Why it’s so hard to think outside the box

Many leaders encourage their team to think outside the box. This sounds good but it's its not very helpful. Why? Because it's hard to do. Here are two reasons why most people struggle to think outside the box. Because of the way our mind works Our mind likes to work...

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Check out the 6 Switches Canvas. It’s simple, practical and free.