Switch Thinking is the name of the overall concept.
As the name suggests it means a proactive, semi-structured way of switching your thinking that can be used by any individual, group or team, anytime, for any challenge.
The tool kit of Switch Thinking consists of a canvas which has 6 Switches on page 1 and a series of prompts on page 2.
The 6 Switches are problem, perspective, outcome, focus, questions and rules.
Each of these can help you to switch your (and other’s) thinking and if used in combination offer an empowering way to stimulate and invite a shift in thinking.
The Design of the Switch Thinking Canvas
In my workshops and courses people comment on the canvas in a number of ways.
They actually like the idea that it is (primarily) paper based although it can be used as a powerpoint slide.
For many people having paper and colour pens suggest a more playful mode of thinking rather than their laptop for example which means work mode.
The canvas is colourful and is filled with 6 thinking balls.
This in itself is a contrast with the box like, black and white canvas offered by strategists for example.
Why Balls?
Here is the problem with using boxes in a literal and as a metaphor.
Boxes are heavy, stationary, fixed, they restrict and limit.
Balls can float, bounce, be thrown and caught.
They give you movement, momentum and speed.
Hence balls as a metaphor are a more creative way to open your mind to new possibilities.
Another feature of the Switch Thinking Canvas is that there are no numbers or any direction to move from left to right in a linear fashion so loved by consultants (I used to be one years ago).
This is because with Switch Thinking each of the switches are as valuable as any other.
The layout also encourages you to start anywhere.
There is no right or wrong place to start. The goal is simply to start switching.
On the back of the Switch Thinking Canvas is a series of prompts to help you to get started with your switch thinking journey.
There are no right or wrong prompts to use.
In fact, you can use the 3 prompts or ignore these and use your own.
In summary
The goal of switch thinking is to help you change your thinking – when you most need to.
It could be when you feel stuck, need a new idea or your current approach is not working anymore.
Whatever the reason the Switch Thinking Canvas is a kind of crib sheet that can help stimulate a new thinking direction.
To obtain the free Switch Thinking Canvas simply visit the Switch Thinking Web Site and register.
It’s completely free and you can use it again and again by yourself or with your group or team.