Sep 29, 2024 | Box and Ball Modes, Switch Thinking, Switch your Thinking, think outside the box
I am not a neuroscientist (i.e. people who focus on the brain and its impact on behaviour and cognitive functions) but I am more and more interested in the work they do. Partly this is due to the fact that our brain is being scanned through advanced fMRI techniques....
Aug 5, 2024 | Change, Coaching, Switch Thinking, Switch your Thinking, Teaching, Team leaders
My Switch Thinking workshops and courses are principally aimed at helping people to change their thinking so as to be more creative, innovative and develop new growth opportunities. And of course this is what the sessions did achieve (based on participant feedback)....
Jul 29, 2024 | 6 Switches, Coaching, Creativity, mode of thinking, Switch Thinking, Switch your Thinking, Teaching, Team leaders, think outside the box
Let’s use the simple light switch as a metaphor to think about creativity. You can switch your creativity on. And you can switch it off. it’s a useful metaphor to describe my experience teaching, facilitating and coaching leaders in the past 20 years about...
Jul 25, 2024 | Coaching, Get Unstuck, Switch Thinking, Switch your Thinking, Teaching, Think Differently
In a world of continuous change what is the one skill that you need more than most? I would argue the ability to create and adapt to change. And in an environment which is complex and uncertain you need to be able to think in a flexible, agile way. I call this being...
Jul 13, 2024 | Get Unstuck, mode of thinking, Switch Thinking, Switch your Thinking, Think Differently, think outside the box
Some 10 years ago I felt slightly nauseous after a game of soccer. Not suspecting anything I went off to my local GP and he put it down to a bug that i may have picked up on a recent overseas trip. On further examination he suggested due to my family history of heart...
Jun 19, 2024 | 6 Switches, mode of thinking, Switch Thinking, Switch your Thinking
I am a great fan of Simon Sinek’s idea of Start with Why? His core idea is that for too long business leaders and brand managers have started with the what and how and ignored the why. Sinek’s proposition is that leaders should start with Why first....
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