Free Switch Thinking Canvas

A Canvas to help you and your team to Create, Solve & Innovate

The Free Switch Thinking Canvas consists of a 5 step Process,  6 Switches, and a series of Prompts to help you get started.

The canvas can transform any Zoom Session, Huddle, Meeting, Workshop, Brainstorming, Innovation or Ideation session from a boring, low energy experience to one which is fun, creative, interactive and engaging.

The Switch Thinking Canvas consists of:

  • The 6 Thinking Switches
  • A series of prompts to help you get started
  • A 5 step process
  • Can be used by an individual, group or team
  • Is simple, empowering and fun to use

You will amaze your clients, colleagues, competitors and yourself.

Switch Thinking Canvas

Download your free Switch Thinking Canvas

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In the next few moments you can generate an out of the box idea, solve a problem or get unstuck.

All you need is the Switch Thinking Canvas.

You can download the free Canvas and amaze your customers, colleagues and yourself!

Why wait?


Learn more about Dr Ken Hudson - visit


Follow Dr Ken Huson on Twitter and LinkedIn where he frequently shares tips, tools and ideas about how to think differently.



Dr Ken Hudson has written 3 internationally released books. Here they are.

“I used to like Edward de Bono tips for generating new ideas, however your 6 Switches framework is more accessible,  structured and achievable.”

Alexis Haywood, Principal Consultant