May 20, 2023 | Switch Thinking, Think Differently
Today is different from yesterday. No doubt, tomorrow will be different from today. And with the pace and type of change the difference will be significant. So we need to be able to think differently. Here is another reason. We need to think differently about many of...
May 5, 2023 | Switch Thinking, think outside the box
We think in boxes! Just step back and think about that statement. Don’t believe me? Well think of any organisation for example and there is a box in your head for say the marketing department and a different one for say finance. And your box is different from...
Mar 15, 2023 | mode of thinking, Switch Thinking, Team leaders
I was talking to Jeff our personal trainer (not his real name) about his training philosophy. One of the key features of his success was his flexibility. Not just flexibility as in stretching (although it was impressive) but a flexibility in style. Jeff said that in...
Feb 9, 2023 | Get Unstuck, Switch Thinking
I met with a not for profit leader a few days ago who wanted to chat to me because she felt stuck. I was happy to do so because we all get stuck in our thinking from time to time. But this begs the question: What do we mean by stuck? It means that we are going around...
Feb 8, 2023 | Switch Thinking, Think Differently, think outside the box
I believe we are entering a new era, an amazing one. In fact, amazing is now the ultimate consumer and employee response. My proposition is ‘that’s amazing’ has to be the ambition of every HR, talent, team or marketing leader. To put it bluntly, an organization’s...
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