Switch Thinking Blog

Posts to help you switch your thinking

Create amazing, new ideas, opportunities & experiences.

What is your mode of thinking?

What is your mode of thinking?

According to the dictionary a mode is: 'a way or manner in which something occurs or is experienced, expressed, or done.' For example, your preferred mode of travel could be by car. I believe this concept can...

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Who will benefit from Switch Thinking?

Who will benefit from Switch Thinking?

Switch Thinking is ideal for those individuals who: - Feel stuck - Want to challenge the status quo - Realise their ideas or solutions are stale - Are looking for a new way to grow their business or...

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Switch the Questions

Switch the Questions

Have you ever been in a meeting or presentation and someone asks a question that takes everyone’s breath away? It might be question that no-one was prepared to ask. Or a question that has the potential to...

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How to switch the rules

How to switch the rules

Let's think about the rules of golf. There are the written rules of golf which everyone has to obey. Then there are the local laws that might be specific to a particular course or time of the year (e.g. when...

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Switch your Perspective

Switch your Perspective

Switch your perspective is one of the 6 Switches. And it a lot of ways it is the easiest to do. It means simply looking at say a problem, opportunity, issue or situation using a different lens. In my Switch...

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Switch the Outcome

Switch the Outcome

Just as the problem or challenge can be more fluid than we think so can the outcome. By switching the outcome, goal or metric you can open up your thinking. For example, From: You could make a decision that...

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Switch the focus

Switch the focus

When you go to a cafe or restaurant you can focus on: the food service lighting coffee booking system etc In other words you can select what you focus on and for how long. Let's take another example. When you...

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A Systems Model of Thinking

A Systems Model of Thinking

One way to think about our thinking is to use a systems approach. Classically a system consists of an input, some sort of process and an output. And a feedback loop. Let's then use this approach to design a...

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“I used to like Edward de Bono tips for generating new ideas, however your 6 Switches framework is more accessible, structured and achievable.”

Alexis Haywood, Principal Consultant

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