A fast, easy way to Switch your Thinking.


See new ideas, solutions & growth opportunities.

Feel more empowered & energised.




A fast, easy way to Switch your Thinking.

See new ideas, solutions & growth opportunities.

Feel more empowered and energised.


– Have fun, play with ideas and boost your energy

– Help others get unstuck & accelerate progress

– Generate out of the box ideas & solutions that work!

– Harness the creative power of AI

– Make a difference quickly!

– Be more agile and open to change

Switch Thinking Keynotes, Workshops, Courses & Coaching Sessions can be customised for any budget, theme or time available.


Switch the Problem

Switch the Problem

Switching the problem can unlock new solutions – instantly!

Switch Perspective

Switch Perspective

The easiest and simplest thinking switch.

Switch the Outcome

Switch the Outcome

Changing the outcome and metrics can open up new possibilities.

Switch the Focus

Switch the Focus

Simply by changing the group’s focus can lead to new solutions.

Switch the Questions

Switch the Questions

Asking new questions can often lead to new answers or solutions.

Switch the Rules

Switch the Rules

To generate new growth opportunities you often need to switch the rules that restrict a team’s thinking.

Why switch your thinking?

Why switch your thinking?

I am a great fan of Simon Sinek's idea of Start with Why? His core idea is that for too long business leaders and brand managers have started with the what and how and...

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6 ways to Switch your Thinking

6 ways to Switch your Thinking

Have you ever been stuck and then someone suggests a new way at looking at a problem or issue and wham! You suddenly see the situation differently. And by doing so...

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Learn more about Switch Thinking


Learn about the benefits of Switch Thinking


Here are some short videos on Switch Thinking what it is and why it is needed.


Dr Ken Hudson has written 3 internationally released books. Here they are.

Book Dr Ken

Dr Ken Hudson can create this caffeine hit for your brain at any workshop, planning session or conference.

“I used to like Edward de Bono tips for generating new ideas, however your Switch Thinking framework is more accessible, structured and achievable.”

Alexis Haywood, Principal Consultant