Switch Thinking Blog

Posts to help you switch your thinking

Create amazing, new ideas, opportunities & experiences.

Why learn Switch Thinking?

Why learn Switch Thinking?

Before every Switch Thinking Course or workshop I try and ask people why they have attended this session. Time is precious so i am always curious why people have chosen to learn more about Switch Thinking. To...

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How to create great ideas?

How to create great ideas?

How do you and your team create great ideas, solutions and experiences? It seems such a simple question. Customers, clients and employees want great ideas so you would expect we would become adept and...

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Problem solving in a different (better) way

Problem solving in a different (better) way

Problem solving is so often seen as a rational, linear process. But here's the problem. It rarely produces a breakthrough idea or solution. To illustrate this point I once worked with a large packaged goods...

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How to think differently – in an instant!

How to think differently – in an instant!

Today is different from yesterday. No doubt, tomorrow will be different from today. And with the pace and type of change the difference will be significant. So we need to be able to think differently. Here is...

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How to think outside the box

How to think outside the box

We think in boxes! Just step back and think about that statement. Don't believe me? Well think of any organisation for example and there is a box in your head for say the marketing department and a different...

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When you switch your thinking

When you switch your thinking

When you switch your thinking: The world looks different – instantly! It’s like a caffeine shot for your brain. It’s an ‘aha’ moment for your mind. It’s a flash of inspiration.  It often helps you and others...

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How to be a more flexible thinker

How to be a more flexible thinker

I was talking to Jeff our personal trainer (not his real name) about his training philosophy. One of the key features of his success was his flexibility. Not just flexibility as in stretching (although it was...

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Switch Thinking Course Feedback

Switch Thinking Course Feedback

For the past 12 months I have been running a number of Switch Thinking Courses either through the Australian Institute of Management (face to face) or direct with organisations (often via online). The courses...

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“I used to like Edward de Bono tips for generating new ideas, however your 6 Switches framework is more accessible, structured and achievable.”

Alexis Haywood, Principal Consultant

Check out the 6 Switches Canvas. It’s simple, practical and free.