Switch Thinking Blog
Posts to help you switch your thinking
Create amazing, new ideas, opportunities & experiences.
What are the benefits of Switch Thinking?
I recently conducted a Switch Thinking 1 day course with a group of managers and leaders at the Australian Institute of Management. The participants who attended were from a broad range of both profit and not...
6 Ways to get Unstuck
I met with a not for profit leader a few days ago who wanted to chat to me because she felt stuck. I was happy to do so because we all get stuck in our thinking from time to time. But this begs the question:...
How to create AE – Amazing Experiences
I believe we are entering a new era, an amazing one. In fact, amazing is now the ultimate consumer and employee response. My proposition is ‘that’s amazing’ has to be the ambition of every HR, talent, team or...
How to create great ideas
One of my favourite moments when I was working in a large organisation was when someone said, 'What a great idea.' It did not happen that often but when it did what a moment it was. 'What a great idea' is a...
What is Creative Mode?
Switch Thinking is the ability to switch between your (and others) efficient mode of thinking and a creative mode. And like any switch you can can move back and forth between your efficient and creative modes...
Our two modes of thinking explained
One of my favourite cricket players when I was growing up was Greg Chappell. I admired his beautiful stroke play and elegant style. But he had another strength that I had not fully appreciated until later....
Why everyone is in the creating business
I read a post this morning that outlined a few ways that people working in the creative industries could generate some new ideas. This made me think. Is this framing too narrow? Rather than think about the...
How Switch Thinking can help you adapt to change
What’s the one constant today? Change. What will be the one constant tomorrow? Even more change. And it’s a different type of change. Unexpected, rapid, exponential, messy and chaotic. It’s both exciting and...
How Switch Thinking can boost your brainstorming results
Let's face it. Brainstorming can be fun, engaging and boost support for a new idea. But far too often the results of brainstorming sessions are disappointing. The new, big idea is not discovered, the...
What humans can learn from Netflix creativity
The logic to date has been what can AI learn about human creativity. But what if we switched this? What can humans learn from the creativity used by Netflix? Quite a lot as it turns out. I recently watched a...
We switch everything else – why not our thinking?
If you think about it we are constantly switching. For example: We can switch meals or deserts. We can switch positions (e.g. at work). We can switch roles (e.g. partner, parent, work colleague). We can...
Imagine if your mind was free
Free to continuously explore, play, create, solve, challenge, learn and grow. Imagine what you (and your team) could achieve. Imagine if you were not trapped by your (often) rigid set of assumptions and...
“I used to like Edward de Bono tips for generating new ideas, however your 6 Switches framework is more accessible, structured and achievable.”
Alexis Haywood, Principal Consultant