Switch Thinking Blog

Posts to help you switch your thinking

Create amazing, new ideas, opportunities & experiences.

How to get unstuck

How to get unstuck

Sometimes our thinking gets stuck. This is likely to happen even more and more as the pace of change accelerates. These changes can be external (e.g. Covid) or internal (e.g. a change in priorities, timing,...

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To be creative you just need to switch

To be creative you just need to switch

Sometimes we get stuck for a new idea. Here’s why. We form thinking patterns based on our past experiences. These patterns are our assumptions, beliefs, expectations and attitudes. They inform our ideas,...

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Prompts to help you switch your thinking

Prompts to help you switch your thinking

The Switch Thinking Tool kit consists of 6 Switches, a Canvas and a range of prompts. The prompts as the name suggests are a way to help you get started and help you switch your thinking. For example, if the...

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What are The 6 Switches?

What are The 6 Switches?

There are 6 Switches in the Switch Thinking Tool kit. These are: - Perspective - how you look at a situation, problem or challenge - Problem - what is the challenge, opportunity or situation? - Outcome - what...

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The Switch Thinking Card Pack

The Switch Thinking Card Pack

I am very excited to announce that we have developed the first edition of the Switch Thinking Card Pack. It's a fun, easy and playful way to stimulate your switch thinking muscle. The pack consists of the 6...

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The Switch Thinking Principles

The Switch Thinking Principles

Switch Thinking is a tool kit that enables you to think differently - on demand. The tool kit consists of a canvas, 6 switches and a series of prompts. These are the structure of switch thinking. But as...

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Switch Thinking – A 3 Month Review

Switch Thinking – A 3 Month Review

Yes it's been 3 months since I officially launched the new Switch Thinking website. In that time I have formed a partnership with the Australian Institute of Management and developed a 1 day course which is...

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“I used to like Edward de Bono tips for generating new ideas, however your 6 Switches framework is more accessible, structured and achievable.”

Alexis Haywood, Principal Consultant

Check out the 6 Switches Canvas. It’s simple, practical and free.