Aug 23, 2022 | Switch Thinking, Think Differently
In 1997, Apple under the direction of its co-founder Steve Jobs launched its famous Think Different campaign. As he said at the time, “I think you had to really think differently when you bought a Mac. It was a totally different computer, worked in a totally different...
Aug 19, 2022 | Switch Thinking, Think Differently, think outside the box
I am very excited to announce that we have developed the first edition of the Switch Thinking Card Pack. It’s a fun, easy and playful way to stimulate your switch thinking muscle. The pack consists of the 6 Switches (i.e. perspective, problem, outcome, focus,...
Aug 12, 2022 | Switch Thinking, Think Differently
I have been running a series of 1 day Switch Thinking courses at the Australian Institute of Management over the past few months. At the end of the course I ask for some written feedback from participants. Here is a collection of comments: ‘I am more creative...
Jul 24, 2022 | 6 Switches, Coaching, Creativity, Switch Thinking, Think Differently
Q. Does your team need to be more creative and innovative? If the answer is yes, it begs the question how to achieve this? You can rely on infrequent brainstorming sessions or perhaps a random idea from someone in the team. Or a quick huddle, boring meeting or one-way...
Jun 24, 2022 | Switch Thinking, Think Differently
We used to believe that intelligence is the same as thinking. But it is not. To use an analogy – intelligence is our brain’s hardware and thinking is our software. As such it can be updated and improved. Many people also believe that our thinking is fixed....
Apr 20, 2022 | Think Differently, think outside the box
We think in boxes. This applies to business leaders as well. So to grow your brand or revenue you need to think differently. You can think outside the box or across the box. For example, We used to believe that gym clothes were different from going out outfits and you...
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