Sep 23, 2022 | 6 Switches, Switch Thinking, think outside the box
Let’s think about the rules of golf. There are the written rules of golf which everyone has to obey. Then there are the local laws that might be specific to a particular course or time of the year (e.g. when it rains and the fairways are wet). Then there is the...
Sep 7, 2022 | Switch Thinking, think outside the box
One way to think about our thinking is to use a systems approach. Classically a system consists of an input, some sort of process and an output. And a feedback loop. Let’s then use this approach to design a systems model of thinking (see the model). Inputs:...
Aug 24, 2022 | Problem Solving, Switch Thinking, Think Differently, think outside the box
In my Switch Thinking courses and workshops I often ask the group, team or participants for a real problem to work on. I do this so the material is more relevant and practical. And the new concept cannot be so easily dismissed. Some of these problems I have outlined...
Aug 19, 2022 | Switch Thinking, Think Differently, think outside the box
I am very excited to announce that we have developed the first edition of the Switch Thinking Card Pack. It’s a fun, easy and playful way to stimulate your switch thinking muscle. The pack consists of the 6 Switches (i.e. perspective, problem, outcome, focus,...
Apr 20, 2022 | Think Differently, think outside the box
We think in boxes. This applies to business leaders as well. So to grow your brand or revenue you need to think differently. You can think outside the box or across the box. For example, We used to believe that gym clothes were different from going out outfits and you...
Apr 16, 2022 | think outside the box
We think in boxes, not only as individuals but as a group or team. This box is made up of our past experiences, assumptions, beliefs, expectations, group norms and conventions. Over time our thinking box becomes the default way we think. It’s habitual. But why? The...
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