Mar 27, 2024 | Brainstorming, Coaching, Creativity, Get Unstuck, mode of thinking, Problem Solving, Switch Thinking, Team leaders, think outside the box
Many leaders encourage their team to think outside the box. This sounds good but it’s its not very helpful. Why? Because it’s hard to do. Here are two reasons why most people struggle to think outside the box. Because of the way our mind works Our mind...
Mar 6, 2024 | 6 Switches, Coaching, Creativity, Get Unstuck, mode of thinking, Problem Solving, Switch Thinking, Switch your Thinking, Teaching, Team leaders
Imagine being able to switch on your creativity exactly when you needed it. It could be in an interview or presentation when you are asked a tricky question. Or it could be when your group or team is stuck for example. Or you need to help a client with a tough...
Feb 16, 2024 | 6 Switches, AI, Brainstorming, co-create, Creativity, mode of thinking
A few years ago I developed a new concept which I call Switch Thinking. It’s based on an insight watching bilingual people change from one language to another depending on the situation and need. Being bilingual is an impressive skill (I am not) but that is the...
Jul 24, 2022 | 6 Switches, Coaching, Creativity, Switch Thinking, Think Differently
Q. Does your team need to be more creative and innovative? If the answer is yes, it begs the question how to achieve this? You can rely on infrequent brainstorming sessions or perhaps a random idea from someone in the team. Or a quick huddle, boring meeting or one-way...
Aug 31, 2021 | 6 Switches, Creativity, Problem Solving, Team leaders, Think Differently
My breakthrough approach to developing your creative muscle is to think about it as a switch. A switch you can turn on or off – on demand. Much like a light switch for example. This analogy is a simple, powerful way to unleash your creative energy. All you (and...
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