6 Ways to get Unstuck

6 Ways to get Unstuck

I met with a not for profit leader a few days ago who wanted to chat to me because she felt stuck. I was happy to do so because we all get stuck in our thinking from time to time. But this begs the question: What do we mean by stuck? It means that we are going around...
What is Creative Mode?

What is Creative Mode?

Switch Thinking is the ability to switch between your (and others) efficient mode of thinking and a creative mode. And like any switch you can can move back and forth between your efficient and creative modes when you need to. Think of a light switch. You can switch...
How to get unstuck

How to get unstuck

Sometimes our thinking gets stuck. This is likely to happen even more and more as the pace of change accelerates. These changes can be external (e.g. Covid) or internal (e.g. a change in priorities, timing, budget). But whilst the environment or situation changes our...