Jan 23, 2023 | Brainstorming, Get Unstuck, Problem Solving, Switch Thinking, think outside the box
I read a post this morning that outlined a few ways that people working in the creative industries could generate some new ideas. This made me think. Is this framing too narrow? Rather than think about the creative industries (as though other industries are not...
Jan 20, 2023 | Get Unstuck, Switch Thinking, Team leaders
What’s the one constant today? Change. What will be the one constant tomorrow? Even more change. And it’s a different type of change. Unexpected, rapid, exponential, messy and chaotic. It’s both exciting and exhausting. Potentially threatening for existing brands yet...
Jan 5, 2023 | Brainstorming, Get Unstuck, Switch Thinking
Let’s face it. Brainstorming can be fun, engaging and boost support for a new idea. But far too often the results of brainstorming sessions are disappointing. The new, big idea is not discovered, the extroverts can dominate and the initial energy fades away like...
Jan 3, 2023 | Brainstorming, Problem Solving, Switch Thinking, Think Differently, think outside the box
The logic to date has been what can AI learn about human creativity. But what if we switched this? What can humans learn from the creativity used by Netflix? Quite a lot as it turns out. I recently watched a war movie on Netflix (Sand Castle) and at the end came the...
Dec 21, 2022 | Brainstorming, mode of thinking, Problem Solving, Switch Thinking
If you think about it we are constantly switching. For example: We can switch meals or deserts. We can switch positions (e.g. at work). We can switch roles (e.g. partner, parent, work colleague). We can switch lanes (e.g. in. a car). We can switch outfits. We can...
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