Nov 23, 2023 | Get Unstuck, Switch Thinking, Team leaders
Before every Switch Thinking Course or workshop I try and ask people why they have attended this session. Time is precious so i am always curious why people have chosen to learn more about Switch Thinking. To my surprise one of the most popular reasons is ‘it...
Aug 8, 2023 | Better ideas and solutions, Problem Solving, Switch Thinking
Problem solving is so often seen as a rational, linear process. But here’s the problem. It rarely produces a breakthrough idea or solution. To illustrate this point I once worked with a large packaged goods company and enquired about the problem solving process...
Feb 8, 2023 | Switch Thinking, Think Differently, think outside the box
I believe we are entering a new era, an amazing one. In fact, amazing is now the ultimate consumer and employee response. My proposition is ‘that’s amazing’ has to be the ambition of every HR, talent, team or marketing leader. To put it bluntly, an organization’s...
Jan 31, 2023 | Better ideas and solutions, Brainstorming, Problem Solving, Switch Thinking, think outside the box
One of my favourite moments when I was working in a large organisation was when someone said, ‘What a great idea.’ It did not happen that often but when it did what a moment it was. ‘What a great idea’ is a wonderful emotional expression. It is...
Jan 28, 2023 | 6 Switches, mode of thinking, Switch Thinking
Switch Thinking is the ability to switch between your (and others) efficient mode of thinking and a creative mode. And like any switch you can can move back and forth between your efficient and creative modes when you need to. Think of a light switch. You can switch...
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