Jun 19, 2024 | 6 Switches, mode of thinking, Switch Thinking, Switch your Thinking
I am a great fan of Simon Sinek’s idea of Start with Why? His core idea is that for too long business leaders and brand managers have started with the what and how and ignored the why. Sinek’s proposition is that leaders should start with Why first....
Mar 27, 2024 | Brainstorming, Coaching, Creativity, Get Unstuck, mode of thinking, Problem Solving, Switch Thinking, Team leaders, think outside the box
Many leaders encourage their team to think outside the box. This sounds good but it’s its not very helpful. Why? Because it’s hard to do. Here are two reasons why most people struggle to think outside the box. Because of the way our mind works Our mind...
Mar 6, 2024 | 6 Switches, Coaching, Creativity, Get Unstuck, mode of thinking, Problem Solving, Switch Thinking, Switch your Thinking, Teaching, Team leaders
Imagine being able to switch on your creativity exactly when you needed it. It could be in an interview or presentation when you are asked a tricky question. Or it could be when your group or team is stuck for example. Or you need to help a client with a tough...
Feb 16, 2024 | 6 Switches, AI, Brainstorming, co-create, Creativity, mode of thinking
A few years ago I developed a new concept which I call Switch Thinking. It’s based on an insight watching bilingual people change from one language to another depending on the situation and need. Being bilingual is an impressive skill (I am not) but that is the...
Mar 15, 2023 | mode of thinking, Switch Thinking, Team leaders
I was talking to Jeff our personal trainer (not his real name) about his training philosophy. One of the key features of his success was his flexibility. Not just flexibility as in stretching (although it was impressive) but a flexibility in style. Jeff said that in...
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